A Controlled Disaster

Remember last time, I mentioned that I was going to undo my weaving so I could re-warp it and wind it on with craft paper? To be honest, I thought it would be as simple as just putting some tension on the yarn and unwinding it then re-winding it once the paper got here.

This is where I ended up:


It looks bad. Would you believe it wasn't as tangled as it looks?

Since the paper I had been using to separate the layers wasn’t wide enough, as I unrolled the warp it got all screwed up. At some point, the yarn started rolling back the other way. A smarter less determined person would probably have just started over. And I could have. I have several skeins of this yarn still and it would have been far easier to just cut my losses and start over.

But I'm nothing if not stubborn so I removed each strand of yarn. And then re-attached it using a knot. It took several hours. But the project now looks like this:


Far more manageable. And the tension is consistent! I’m pretty proud of myself for getting this all fixed and restarted. Though the warp threads are a bit twisted on the back end of the heddle but I think I can untwist as I go and it will be fine in the end.

So, what do you all think?


Lack of Control


Learning Process